casting by, 236; signs of Buddhahood, 10; the four signs, 15.
- Sin, straggle against, 237.
- Sinner can become a saint, a, 172.
- Six quarters, the, 144.
- Slaughter, 33.
- Slaughter, ox led to, an.
- Smith, Chunda, the, 237, 240.
- Snake, no rope, 67.
- So great an honor, 228.
- Soldier, a, Simha, 147.
- Soldier of truth, a, 149.
- Soldiers of the Tathagata, 130.
- Solitary, 137.
- Son, the lost, 182.
- Son, father and, 207.
- Song of ecstasy, 221.
- Songs, heavenly, 241.
- Sorcerers, 173.
- Sorrow compared with a sword, 19.
- Soul, Gotama denies the existence of the, 151; non-existence of the soul, 153; the I the soul, 29, the problem of the soul, 29; the Buddhist conception of soul; viii.
- Souls not separate and self-existent entities, 153.
- Soup, a spoon tastes not the flavor of the, 191.
- Source of all righteousness, 118.
- Sovereignty, holiness better than, 27.
- Sow that you will reap, what you, 200.
- Sow, we reap what we, 153.
- Sower, the, 194.
- Sowest, others will reap what thou, 159.
- Sowing-ground of merit, the order (sangha) the 226.
- Speak, the deaf and dumb, 8.
- Speak to the purpose, 126,
- Speaking untruths, 166.
- Speculations, 138.
- Spells forbidden, 121.
- Spirit, in the, 104.
- Spiritual, all existence is, 151.
- Spiritual eye, 254.
- Spits at heaven, like one who, 167.
- Spoon, a, tastes not the flavor of the soup, 191.
- Spread the truth, 56.
- Staircase, a, 140.
- Stares me in the face, nothingness, 153.
- Station, remain in thy, 74.
- Steal not, 126.
- Stream, following the Master over the 212.
- Stream, he had crossed the, 213.
- String, puppets on a, 123.
- Strong man, who is the? 125.
- Struck by apoplexy, 191.
- Struggle against sin, 237.
- Struggle for life, reason in the, 255.
- Struggle must be, 148.
- Subject to separation, combination, 31.
- Substance, the, of Brahman lore, 141.
- Such a one will wander rightly in the world, 170.
- Such faith have I, 222.
- Suffer, the Blessed One had to, 233.
- Suffering, bliss where there is 20.
- Sun is bright, the, 139.
- Sun of the mind, the, 188.
- Superstition, 144.
- Supplications forbidden, 121.