Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/102

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[x, 25-

25. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode and cwæþ, Ic spece tō ēow, and gē ne gelȳfað; þå weorc þe ic wyrce on mīnes Fæder naman, þā cȳþaþ gewitnesse be mē.[1]

26. Ac gē ne gelȳfað, for þām þe gē [ne] synt of mīnum scēapum.[2]

27. Mīne scēap gehȳraþ mīne stefne, and ic gecnāwe hig, and hig folgiað mē;

28. and ic him sylle ēce līf, and hig ne forwurðaþ nǣfre, and ne nimð hig nān man of mīnre handa.[3]

29. Þæt þe mīn Fæder mē sealde is mǣrre þonne ǣnig ōðer ðing; and ne mæg hit nān man niman of mīnes Fæder handa.[4]

30. Ic and Fæder synt ān.[5]

31. Đā Iudeas nāmon stānas þæt hig woldon hyne torfian.

32. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode and cwæð, Manega gōde weorc ic ēow ætēowde be mīnum Fæder; for hwylcum þǣra weorca wylle gē mē hǣnan?[6]

33. Þā Iudeas him andswaredon and cwǣdon, Ne hǣne we ðē for gōdum weorce; ac for þīnre bysmorspǣce; and for þām þe þū eart man, and wyrcst þē tō Gode.[7]

  1. A, sprece.
  2. Corp., ne inserted above line, apparently by another hand, A, B, C, ne; A, synd.
  3. A, forweorþað; B, C, mann.
  4. B, C, mann; B, minan (for niman).
  5. B, Ic on margin in another hand; A, synd.
  6. A, manege; A, ætywde; Corp., B, C, þære, A, þæra.
  7. A, bysmerspræce.