Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/112

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[xii, 10-

10. Đāra sācerda ealdras þōhton þæt hig woldon Lazarum ofslēan;[1]

11. for þām þe manega fōron fram þām Iudeon for his þingon, and gelȳfdon on þone Hǣlend.[2]

12. On mergen mycel menio þe cōm tō þām freolsdage, þā hig gehȳrdon þæt sē Hǣlend cōm tō Ierusalem,[3]

13. hī nāmon palmtrȳwa twigu, and ēodon ūt ongean hine, and clypedon, Sī Israhela Cing hāl and geblētsod þe cōm on Drihtnes naman.[4]

14. And sē Hǣlend gemētte ānne assan and rād onuppan þām; swā hit āwriten ys,

15. Ne ondrǣd þū, Siones dohtor; nū þīn cing cymp uppan assan folan sittende.[5]

16. Ne undergēton hys leorningcnihtas þās þing ǣrest; ac þā sē ǣlend wæs gewuldrod, þā gemundon hig þæt þās þing wāron āwritene be him, and þās þing hig dydon him.[6]

17. Sēo menio þe wæs mid him, þā hē Ladzarum clypode of ðǣre byrgene and hine āwehte of dēaðe, cȳðde gewitnesse.[7]

18. And for ðī him cōm sēo menio ongēan, for ðām þe hī gehȳrdon þæt hē worhte þæt tācn.[8]

  1. A, þæra; C, þoh (for þohton); B, C, ladzarum.
  2. A, manege; C, foran; A, iudeum; B, C, þæne.
  3. B, C, morgen; A, mænigeo; A, hierusalem.
  4. A, palmtreowa twygu; B, C, ongen; A, clypodon. Syg ysrahela cyning.
  5. A, dohter; A, cyning, C, cyng.
  6. A, undergeaton; A, ac se (om. þa).
  7. A, mænigeo; A, lazarum; B, C, dieðe (for deaðe).
  8. A, mænio, B, C, menigeo; B, C, ongen; A, tacen.