Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/113

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xii, 25]
Secundum Iohannem

19. Đā Pharisei cwǣdon betwux him sylfon, Wē gesēoð þæt wē nān þing ne fremiað; nū wyle eall middaneard æfter him.[1]

20. Sume ðā wǣron hǣðene þe fōron þæt hig woldon hī gebiddan on ðām frēolsdæge;[2]

21. ðā genēalǣhton tō Philippe, sē wæs of þǣre Galileiscean Bethsaida, and hī bǣdon hine, and cwǣdon, Lēof, wē wyllað gesēon þone Hǣlend.[3]

22. Đā ēode Philippus and sǣde hit Andree; and eft Andreas and Philippus hit sǣdon þām Hǣlende.[4]

23. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode and cwæð, Sēo tīd cymð þæt mannes Sunu by geswutelod.

Ðys [godspel] sceal on tȳwesdæg on þǣre palmwucan.

24. Sōðlīce ic secge ēow, Þæt hwǣtene corn wunað āna, būton hyt fealle on eorpan and sȳ dēad; gif hit [bið] dēad, hit bringð mycelne wæstm.[5]

25. Sē þe lufað his sāwle forspilþ hig; and sē þe hataþ his sāwle on þison middanearde gehylt hī on ēceon līfe.[6]

  1. Corp., betux, A, betweox, B, C, betwux; A, sylfum; B, freniað (originally written fremiað; erasure of the first stroke of the m); A, myddangeard.
  2. Corp., B, C, ðæge, A, þe (for ðā).
  3. A, hig to phylyppe; A, betsaida; B, C, þæne.
  4. A, andreę; A, om. and philippus; A, hyt sæde.
  5. Corp., B, C, omit bið, A, byð.
  6. B, C, saule (twice); A, myddangearde; A, econ lyfe.