Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/118

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[xiii, 7-

7. Sē Hǣlend andswarode and cwæð tō him, Þū nāst nū þæt ic dō, ac þū wāst syððan.[1]

8. Petrus cwæð tō him, Ne þwyhst þū næfre mine fēt. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode and cwæþ, Gif ic þē ne þwēa, næfst þū nānne dǣl myd mē.[2]

9. Đā cwæð Simon Petrus tō him, Drihten, ne þweh þū nā mīne fēt āne, ac ēac mīn hēafod and mīne handa.[3]

10. Đā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō him, Sē þe clǣne byþ ne beðearf būton [þæt] man his fēt þwēa, ac ys eall clǣne; and gē synt sume clǣne, næs nā ealle.[4]

11. Hē wiste witodlīce hwā hyne sceolde belǣwan; for þām hē cwæð, Ne synt gē ealle clǣne.[5]

12. Syððan hē hæfde hyra fēt āþwogene, hē nam his rēaf, and þā hē sæt, hē cwæð eft tō him, Wite gē hwæt ic ēow dyde?[6]

13. Gē clypiað mē Lārēow and Drihten; and wel gē cweðaþ; swā ic eom sōþlice.

14. Gif ic þwōh ēowre fet [ic þe eom ēower Lārēow and ēower Hlāford, gē sceolon þwēan ēower ǣlc ōðres fēt.][7]

  1. A, The same late scribbling hand glosses þæt with hwæt above the line.
  2. A, þwehst, B, C, þwyha; A, The scribbling hand inserts on ecnisse after næfre, above the line; A, nænne.
  3. Corp., B, C, ec, A, eac.
  4. B, C, beðierf; Corp., buton man, A, B, C, buton þæt man (the late hand in A also inserts, above the line, he before man).
  5. A, synd.
  6. A, heora; B, C, rief.
  7. Corp., B, C, omit the bracketed passage (homœoteleuton), A, ic þe eom eower lareow and eower hlaford, ge sceolon þwean eower ælc oðres fet.