Page:Gospel of Saint John in West-Saxon.djvu/138

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[xviii, 5-

him tōwearde wǣron; hē ēode ðā forð, and cwæð tō him, Hwæne sēce gē?

5. Hig andswaredon him and cwǣdon, Ðone Nazareniscean Hǣlend. Sē Hǣlend cwæð, Ic hit eom. Sōðlīce Iudas þe hine belǣwde stōd mid him.[1]

6. Ðā hē openlīce sǣde, Ic hit eom, ðā ēodon hig under bæc and fēollon on ðā eorþan.

7. Eft hē hī āxode, Hwæne sēce gē? Hī cwǣdon, Þone Nazareniscean Hǣlend.[2]

8. Sē Hǣlend him andswarode, Ic sǣde ēow þæt ic hit eom. Gif gē witodlīce me seceað, lǣtað þās faran:[3]

9. þæt sēo sprǣc wǣre gefylled þe hē cwæð, Þæt ic nānne þǣra ne forspille þe ðū mē sealdest.[4]

10. Witodlīce Simon Petrus ātēah his swurd, and slōh ðæs bisceopes þēowan, and ācerf him of swȳðre ēare. Þæs þēowan nama wæs Malchus.[5]

11. Ðā cwæð sē Hǣlend tō Petre, Dō þīn swurd on scēaðe; þone calic þe mīn Fæder mē sealde, ne drince ic hine?[6]

12. Ðæt folc and sē ealdor and þǣra Iudea ðegnas nāmon þone Hǣlend and bundon hine,[7]

  1. A, nazarenisca.
  2. A, acsode; A, nazareniscan.
  3. A, secað.
  4. B, C, spæc; A, nænne.
  5. A, sweord; A, acearf.
  6. A, sweord on hys scæðe, Corp., scæaðe, B, C, scæðe.
  7. Corp., B, C, þæne, A, þone.