Godes mægenþrymmes, and cumendne on heofones wolcnum.[1]
65. Đā þǣra sācerda ealdor slāt hys āgyn rēaf, and cwæð, Þis ys bysmorsprǣc; tō hwī wilnige wē ǣnigre ōþre sage? nū gē gehȳrdon of hym gyltlīce sprǣce;[2]
66. hwæt ys ēow nū geþūht? Hig andwyrdon ealle and cwǣdon, Hē is dēaþes scyldig.[3]
67. Þā spǣtton hig on hys ansȳne, and bēoton hyne mid heora fȳstum; sume hyne slōgon on his ansȳne mid hyra brādum handum,[4]
68. and cwǣdon, Sege ūs, Crīst, hwæt is sē þe ðē slōh
69. Petrus sōðlīce sǣt ūte on þām cafertūne; þā cōm tō hym ān þēowyn, and cwæð, And þū wǣre mid þām Galileiscean Hǣlynde.[5]
70. And hē wiðsōc beforan eallum and cwæð, Nāt ic hwæt þū segst.[6]
71. Đā hē ūt ēode of þǣre dura, ðā geseah hyne ōþer wȳln, and sǣde þām ðe þǣr wǣron, And þēs wæs mid þām Nazareniscean Hǣlende.[7]
- ↑ B, mægn-; Corp., cumendne (last n above the line); A, heofenes.
- ↑ A, B, agen; A, nu we (for nu ge); A, gyltelyce; A, specan (glossed spræce).
- ↑ Corp., andwerdon, A, andwyrdon, B, andwyrdan.
- ↑ B, hyra (for heora); A, heora (for hyra).
- ↑ A, þeowen; A, galileiscan hælende.
- ↑ B, sægst.
- ↑ A, geseh; A, þynen (dotted for deletion and with wiln above the line; for wyln); A, þar; A, nazareniscan.