72. And hē wiðsōc eft mid āþe þæt hē hys nān þing ne cūðe.[1]
73. Đā æfter lȳtlum fyrste genēalǣhton þā ðe þǣr stōdun, and cwǣdon to Petre, Sōþlīce þū eart of hym, and þīn sprǣc þē geswutelað.[2]
74. Đā ætsōc hē and swerede þæt hē nǣfre þone man ne cūþe. And hrædlīce þā crēow sē cocc.[3]
75. Þā gemunde Petrus þæs Hǣlendes word þe hē cwæð, Ǣr ðām þe sē cocc crāwe, þrīwa ðū mē widsæcst. And hē ēode ūt, and wēop bityrlīce.[4]
1. Witodlīce þā hyt morgen wæs, ðā worhton ealle þǣra sācerda ealdras gemōt and þæs folces ealdras ongēn þone Hǣlend þæt hig hyne dēaþe belǣwdon;[5]
2. and hig lǣddon hyne gebundenne, and sealdon hyne þām Pontiscean Pilate þām dēman.[6]
3. Đā geseah Iudas þe hyne belǣwde þæt hē fordēmed wæs, þā ongann hē hrēowsian, and brōhte þā þrīttig scyllingas tō þǣra sācerda ealdrum, and cwæð,[7]