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Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/151

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[XXVII, 11—

11. Þā stōd sē Hǣlend beforan þām dēman, and sē dēma hyne āxode þus cweðende, Eart þū Iudea Cyning? Þā cwæð sē Hǣlend, Þæt ðū segst.[1]

12. And mid þȳ ðe hyne wrēgdon þǣra sācerda ealdras and þā hlāfordas, nān þing hē ne andswarode.[2]

13. Đā cwæð Pilatus tō him, Ne gehȳrst þū hū fela sagena hig ongēn þē secgeað?[3]

14. And hē nē andwyrde mid nānum worde; swā þæt sē dēma wundrode swīþlīce.[4]

15. Hig hæfdon heom tō gewunan tō heora symbeldæge þæt sē dēma sceolde forgyfan þām folce ǣnne forwyrhtne mann, swylcne hig habban woldon.[5]

16. Hē hæfde þā sōðlīce ǣnne strangne þēofmann gehæftne, sē wæs genemned Barrabbas.[6]

17. Þā þæt folc gesamnod wæs, þā cwæð Pilatus, Hwæþer wylle gē þæt ic ēow āgyfe? þe Barrabban, ðe þone Hǣlynd ðe is Crīst gehāten?[7]

18. Hē wiste sōðlīce þæt hig hyne for andan him sealdon.

19. Hē sæt þā Pilatus on his dōmsetle; þā sende his wīf tō hym, and cwæð, Ne bēo þē nān þing

  1. B, hælynd (twice); A, acsode; B, sægst.
  2. A, andswarede.
  3. A, gehyrest; A, fæla; A, ongean; A, B, secgað.
  4. Corp., andwerde, A, B, andwyrde.
  5. A, B, hym; A, B, hyra; A, forworhtne; A, man, B, mannan; A, swylcne (c above the line).
  6. A, B, þeofman.
  7. A, hælend.