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Page:Gospel of Saint Matthew in West-Saxon.djvu/150

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XXVII, 10]
Secundum Mattheum

4. Ic syngode, þā ic sealde þæt rihtwīse blōd. Đā cwǣdon hig, Hwæt spycst þū þæt tō ūs?[1]

5. And hē āwearp þā scyllingas in on þæt templ, and fērde and mid grȳne hyne sylfne āhēng.[2]

6. Đā sōðlīce þǣra sācerda ealdras onfēngon þæs seolfres, and cwǣdon, Nys hyt nā ālȳfed þæt wē āsendon hyt on ūre maðmcyste, for þām hyt is blōdes wurð.[3]

7. Hig worhton þā gemōt, and smēadon hū hig sceoldon þæs Hǣlendes wurð ātēon; þā gebohton hig ǣnne æcyr mid þām fēo tigylwyrhtena on tō bebyrgenne elþēodisce menn.[4]

8. For þām is sē æcer gehāten Acheldemagh, þæt is on ūre geþēode, blōdes æcyr; and swā hē is gehāten oð þisne dæg.[5]

9. Đā wæs gefylled þæt gecweden is þurh Hieremiam þone wītegan, þus cweþende, And þā hig onfēngon þrīttig scyllinga, þæs gebohtan wurð þone ðe wæs ǣr gewurþod fram Israhela bearnum;[6]

10. and hig sealdon þæt on tigelwyrhtena æcyr, swā swā Drihten mē gesette.[7]

  1. A, syngade; A, sprycst.
  2. A, innan (for in on); A, tempel.
  3. Corp., cwædon (æ above the line); A, for ðam þe hyt; A, weorð.
  4. B, scoldon; B, hælyndes; A, weorð; A, B, æcer; A, bebyrgeanne ælðeodige men.
  5. A, acheldemah; A, æcer.
  6. A, gecweden wæs (is above wæs); A, and hig, B, and hi (om. þa); B, þritig; A, weorð; A, geweorðod; A, ysrahela.
  7. A, æcer.