Page:Graimear na Gaedhilge.djvu/304

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D. Parse: Ní ċóir ḋuic é do ḃualaḋ.

A negative adverb, causing aspiration, modifying the suppressed verb is.
The assertive verb, present tense, absolute form.
A common adjective, positive degree, comparative córa, qualifying the phrase é do ḃualaḋ.
ḋuit A prep. pronoun, 2nd pers. sing, compound of do and .
A personal pronoun, 3rd pers. sing., nom. case, disjunctive form, being the subject of the suppressed verb is.
A preposition, causing aspiration, and governing the dative case.
ḃualaḋ. A verbal noun, genitive buailte, 3rd pers. sing., dative case, governed by the preposition do.

N.B.—É do ḃualaḋ is the subject of the sentence.

E. Parse: Ṫáinig sé le capall a ċeannaċ.

Ṫáinig An irreg. intrans. verb, indic. mood, past tense, 3rd pers. sing. of the verb tigim (verbal noun, teaċt).