DIANA'S TEMPLE AT EPHESUS. 23 scroll decoration appears, but it is of the Roman epoch. At an earlier time the tradition of the architrave order was so firm in Ionia that the Nereid monument in the British Museum, which in much seems to derive from Athens, has figure sculptures on the architrave but no frieze. The late colonnade of the Zeus altar at Pergamos still has no frieze, nor have the Sidon sarcophagi. Fig. 21. — Entablatures of Ephesus and Priene compared. In Fig. 21 I have laid down the entablature of Priene and the fragments from Ephesus to the same scale, following the pro- portion of the former where we have no other guide. The result gives an entablature of about 1 1 feet deep, and of practi- cally the same proportion to the whole order as at Priene. At