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Clam Fritters
- 1 Egg
- 1 Cupful of Bread-flour and a Little Salt
- 1 Cupful of Milk
Beat the egg and half the milk, adding the flour gradually, to make the batter smooth. Salt, and add the last half-cupful of milk. Put one clam into one teaspoonful of batter and drop into boiling lard. Serve hot.
Fish Balls
- 1 Cupful of Hot Mashed Potatoes
- ½ Cupful of Shredded Cod-fish
- 2 Teaspoonfuls of Melted Butter
- 2 Tablespoonfuls of Milk
Put the fish into a piece of cheese-cloth, let cold water run over it, and squeeze dry. Mix ingredients all together. Take a little flour in the hand and roll half a tablespoonful of the mixture between the palms, to the size of a small peach. Fry in deep fat.
To Boil a Lobster
Have a large kettle on the fire with plenty of boiling water, deep enough to cover the lobster