Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/109

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"Is that all I am good for now? I was good for mair than that in the great fight between our folk and Patrico Salmon's; if I had not helped you with these very fambles, (holding up her hands) Jean Baillie would have frummagem'd you, ye feckless do-little."

There was here another laugh at the expence of the hero who had received this amazon's assistance.

"Here, mother," said one of the sailors, "here's a cup of the right for you, and never mind that bully-huff."

Meg drank the spirits, and, withdrawing herself from farther conversation, sate down before the spot where Brown lay hid, in such a posture that it would have been difficult for any one to have approached it without her rising. The men, however, shewed no disposition to disturb her. They closed around the fire, and held deep consultation together; but the low tone in which they spoke, and the canting language which they used, prevented