Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/110

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Brown from understanding much of their conversation. He gathered in general, that they expressed great indignation against some individual. "He shall have his gruel," said one, and then whispered something very low into the ear of his comrade.

"I'll have nothing to do with that," said the other.

"Are you turned hen-hearted, Jack?"

"No, by G———, no more than yourself–but I won't–it was something like that stopped all the trade fifteen or twenty years ago–You have heard of the Loup!"

"I have heard him (indicating the corpse by a jerk of his head) tell about that job–G–d, how he used to laugh when he shewed us how he fetched him off the perch!"

"Well, but it did up the trade for one while."

"How should that be?"

"Why, the people got rusty about it, and would not deal, and they had bought so many brooms that"——