Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/281

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sprung from his exalted station with more agility than could have been expected from his age, ordered lights and a wash-hand bason and towel, with a cup of green tea, into another room, and made a sign to Mannering to accompany him. In less than two minutes he washed his face and hands, settled his wig in the glass, and, to Mannering's great surprise, looked perfectly a different man from the childish Bacchanal he had been a moment before. "There are folks," he said, "Mr Mannering, before whom one should take care how they play the fool—because they have either too much malice, or too little wit, as the poet says. The best compliment I can pay Colonel Mannering, is to shew I am not ashamed to expose myself before him—and truly I think it is a compliment I have not spared to-night upon your good-nature—But what's that great strong fellow wanting?"

Dinmont, who had pushed after Man-