Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/282

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nering into the room, began with a scrape with his foot and a scratch of his head in unison. "I am Dandie Dinmont, sir, of the Charlies-hope—the Liddesdale lad—ye'll mind me?–it was for me ye won yon grand plea."

"What plea, you loggerhead? d'ye think I can remember all the fools that come to plague me?"

"Lord, sir, it was the grand plea about the grazing o' the Langtae-head!"

"Well, curse thee, never mind; give me the memorial, and come to me on Monday at ten."

"But, sir, I hae na got ony distinct memorial."

"No memorial, man?"

"Na, sir, nae memorial! for your honour said before, Mr Pleydell, ye'll mind, that ye liked best to hear us hill-folk tell our ain tale by word o' mouth."

"Beshrew my tongue, that said so! it will cost my ears a dinning–well, say in