Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/79

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cerning him. "That was an awkward accident, my lads, of one of you, who dropped his torch in the water when his companion was struggling with the large fish."

"Awkward!" returned a shepherd looking up, (the same stout young fellow who had speared the salmon) he deserved his paiks for't—to put out the light when the fish was on ane's witters!—I'm weel convinced Gabriel dropped the roughies in the water on purpose—he does na like to see ony body do a thing better than himsell."

"Aye," said another, "he's sair shamed o' himsell, else he would have been up here the night—Gabriel likes a little o' the gude thing as weel as ony o' us."

"Is he of this country?" said Brown.

"Na, na, he's been but shortly in office, but he's a fell hunter—he's frae down the country, some gate on the Dumfries side."

"And what's his name, pray?"
