Page:Guy Mannering Vol 2.djvu/80

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"But Gabriel what?"

"Oh, Lord kens that; we dinna mind folks after-names muckle here, they run sae much into clans."

"Ye see, sir," said an old shepherd, rising, and speaking very slow—"the folks hereabout are a' Armstrongs and Elliots, and sick like—twa or three given names—and so, for distinction's sake, the lairds and farmers have the names of their places that they live at—as for example, Tam o' Todshaw, Will o' the Flat, Hobbie o' Sorbietrees, and our good master here o' the Charlies-hope—Aweel, sir, and then the inferior sort o' people, ye'll observe, are kend by sorts o' bye-names some o' them, as Glaiket Christie, and the Dewke's Gibbie, or may be, like this lad Gabriel, by his employment, as for example, Tod Gabbie, or Hunter Gabbie. He's no been lang here, sir, and I dinna think ony body kens him by ony other name—But it's no right to rin him down ahint his back, for he's a