Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/365

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court has done our business; and a glorious batch of claret we had afterwards at Walker's. Mac-Morlan will stare when he sees the bill."

"Never fear," said the Colonel, "we'll face the shock, and entertain the country at my friend Mrs. Mac-Candlish's to boot."

"And chuse Jock Jabos for your master of horse?"

"Perhaps I may."

"And where is Dandie, the redoubted Lord of Liddesdale?"

"Returned to his mountains; but he has promised Julia to make a descent in summer, with the goodwife, as he calls her, and I don't know how many children."

"O, the curlie-headed varlets! I must come to play at Blind Harry and Hy Spy with them.—But what is all this?" taking up the plans;—"tower in the centre to be in imitation of the Eagle Tower at Caernarvon—corpe de logis—the devil!—wings—wings? why, the house will take the es-