Page:Guy Mannering Vol 3.djvu/366

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tate of Ellangowan on its back, and fly away with it!"

"Why then, we must ballast it with a few bags of Sicca rupees."

"Aha! sits the wind there? Then I suppose the young dog carries off my mistress Julia??"

"Even so, counsellor."

"These rascals, the post-nati, get the better of us of the old school at every turn. But she must convey and make over her interest in me to Lucy."

"To tell you the truth, I am afraid your flank will be turned there too."


"Here has been Sir Robert Hazlewood upon a visit to Bertram, thinking, and deeming, and opining"——

"O Lord! spare me the worthy Baronet's triads!"

"Well, sir; he conceived that as the property of Singleside lay like a wedge between two farms of his, and was four or five miles separated from Ellangowan,