Page:HKGovGazette Old Series No 11.pdf/3

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Notice is hereby given that the sittings for the present month of the Supreme Court, under its Summary Jurisdiction, will be held on Friday the sixth day of January, 1854.

By Order of the Court,

William Hastings Alexander,
Acting Registrar.

Supreme Court,
1st December, 1853.


In re John Cunningham Ryan, deceased.
Salvador de Mello.

All Claims against the above Estates must be proved before the Official Administrator, before the Third day of June 1854; otherwise they will not be included in the Scheme of Division. All persons indebted to the said Estates are requested to make immediate payment to

William Hastings Alexander,
Acting Registrar-Official Administrator.

Government Notification.

The following Return of Notes in Circulation and Specie in Reserve, at the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, is published for general information.

By Order,

W. Caine,
Colonial Secretary.

Colonial Secretary's Office, Victoria, Hongkong,
29th November, 1853.

Account of the Average Amount of Notes in Circulation of the Bank of the Oriental Bank Corporation in Hongkong, for the Month ending 31st October, 1853, rendered in accordance with the terms of Her Majesty's Royal Charter of Incorporation.
Notes issued,.............$61,578[1]


Wm. Lamond,
(illegible text) Manager.

Oriental Bank Corporation, Hongkong,
1st November, 1853.

I certify that I this day examined the Books and Treasure Vault of the Oriental Bank Corporation and that the Amount of Specie shown was sufficient in terms of the Charter.


W. T. Mercer,
Colonial Treasurer.

28th November, 1853.

Post-Office Notification.

The next General Mails per Malta, will be closed at 6 o'clock, P.M., on Saturday, the 10th instant; and the customary Supplementary Mail will be made up the following morning, between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock.

Thomas Hyland,
Post Master.

Post-Office, Victoria, Hongkong,
1st December, 1853.

Steam for
Singapore, Penang, Point de Galle, Aden, Suez, Malta, Marseilles, and Southampton;

Bombay, Madras, and Calcutta.

The Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam-ship MALTA, Captain Purchase, with Her Majesty's Mails, Passengers, Specie, and Cargo, will leave this for the above Places, on Sunday, the 11th instant, at 2 P. M.

Cargo will be received on board until 5 P. M. on the 9th, specie until Noon on the 10th, and parcels until 2 P. M. on the 10th.

For particulars regarding Freight and Passage, apply at the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Hongkong.

Contents, and Value of Packages, are required.

A written declaration of Contents and Value of the Packages for the Overland Route is required by the Egyptian Government, and must be delivered by the Shipper to the Company's Agents with the Bills of Lading, or with Parcels; and the Company do not hold themselves responsible for any Detention or Prejudice which may happen from incorrectness in such declaration.

Robert S. Walker,

P. & O. S. N. Company's Office, Hongkong, 1st December, 1853.


Tonnage required for the Conveyance from Hongkong to Colombo, in the Island of Ceylon, for the following Detail for the Ceylon Rifle Regiment, which may slightly differ before the day of embarkation:—

Officers. Officers' Wives. Native Officers. Non-Commissioned Officers, Do. Rank and File. Women. Children.
10 2 6 271 33 32

The above Native Officers and Men are to be provided with the usual Fittings, and the proper proportion of Provisions daily, as follows:—

1 pint Rice.
½ oz. Curry Stuff.
½ lb. Salt Fish.
5/7 oz. Coffee.
½ lb. Biscuit.
1 2/7 oz. Sugar.
oz. Gums.
3 lbs. Firewood.
oz. Salt.
2 gals. Water.

Each Native Woman to receive half of a Man's allowance, and each Child one-half that of a Woman, which is to be done at the expense of the Master or Owners of the Vessel accepted; and the Provisions subject to the approval of a Board of Military Officers before the Ship proceeds to Sea; also (unless five days' notice be given previously to the departure of the Ship), the Master will have to Mess the European Officers with their Wives and Families, agreeably to Admiralty Regulations.

Tenders endorsed "Tenders for Ceylon Rifle Regiment," will be received until Noon of Saturday, the 10th day of December next; and Parties proposing to Tender (who on their acceptance will be called upon to sign the Charter Parties), may obtain full particulars on any previous day at the Office of the undersigned, during the usual Hours of Business.

Tenders to state the day that the Vessel will be prepared to proceed to her destination.

Charles Parker,
Commander R.N.,
Naval Storekeeper.

Her Majesty's Naval Yard, Hongkong, 18th November, 1853.

  1. Exclusive of the Notes of the Oriental Bank still outstanding.