Page:HKGovGazette Old Series No 11.pdf/4

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Tonnage required for the Conveyance from Hongkong to the River Thames, for the Detail of Troops, as follows, viz:—

Corps. Officers. Rank and File. Women. Children.
Invalids, 2 63 2 2
Royal Artillery, 3 51 5 13
Royal Sappers and Miners, 2

This number will most likely increase rather than diminish before the day of embarkation.

The above Detail of Troops to be provided with the usual regulated Ration by the Master while embarked; and the necessary space for erecting Hospital, Cabins, and Conveniences, to be furnished by the Parties tendering, who will be required to sign the Charter Parties.

Provided that the Company of Artillery now on its passage from Ceylon to this Port does not arrive previously to the proposed departure of the Corps of Invalids in the last week in December next, Tonnage will only be required for the Invalids, and in no case will the number of Officers exceed three.

Tonnage will also be required for about 10 Tones of Ordnance Stores, 8 Tons being Dead-weight (Saltpetro); together with about 20 Tones of Naval Stores,—mostly Dead-weight.

Tenders will be received,—endorsed "Tenders for Troops," until Noon of Saturday, the 10th of December next, which are to specify the Raes for each Class of Persons, and Parties proposing to Tender may obtain full information on any previous day at the Office of the undersigned, from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M.

Charles Parker,
Commander R.N.,
Naval Storekeeper.

Her Majesty's Naval Yard, Hongkong, 15th November, 1853.

Public Auction.

By order of W. H. Alexander, Esq., Acting Registrar of the Supreme Court of Hongkong.

The undersigned will sell by Public Auction, on Friday, 9th December, 1853, at 11 o'clock A. M. The Good will and Stock in trade of the Public House known as the London Tavern.

Household Furniture, 2 Horses, 1 Whale Boat with Sails, and the Schooner Jim Crow.

Further particulars will be stated in the Handbills.

Charles Markwick,
Government Auctioneer.

Hongkong, 3d December, 1853.


All Persons having Claims against the Estate of the late William Morrison, Colonial Surgeon, are requested to send them in to Mrs. Morrison forthwith; and those indebted to the said Estate are requested to make payment to her.

T. D. Neave,
One of the Executors.

Hongkong, 22d October, 1853.


All Claims against the Estate of the late William Ellis, must be sent in to the undersigned, on or before the 8th day of April, 1854, and all Parties indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make payment to

T. Jones Gibb,

Hongkong, 10th October, 1853.


The Hours of Divine Service in the Cathedral Church of St. John are, on Sundays at 11 A. M. and 4 P. M., and on Thursdays at 5 P. M.

Hongkong, 24th October, 1853.

Printed and Published by Robert Strachan, at the Hongkong Register Office, Queen's Road, Victoria, Hongkong.