THE TABLE The Contents of the Chapters—Continued. page Honor, jealousie, calumnie, Mathematicks. China ignorance. Portugals jealous of Spaniards. Jesuites change names. Great thorow-fare, Commodious Rivers, frequent Cities. Ciquion like Venice.
§ 4. False brethren and others accusations detected, they are expelled Sciauchin: erect a Seat at Xauceum. Monasterie of Nanhoa and other things of note in those parts. They alter their habit; Voyage to Nanquin; the Lake, Rivers, Idols and other rarities.283 Vutan holy place: faint friend; false brother. Dieth of whipping. Strange Honours. Jesuites service. Lusu mad-holy, Priests fained, people milde, others politicke. Chiutaisos Scholership. China feasting. Queenes pardoner. Bonzi infamous. Alteration of habite. Lying vanities. Nancian and Nanquin. Hujunsins Tale and Temple. Liu-Hill. § 5. Nanquin described; Ricius expelled thence, he setleth at Nancian, thence goeth to Nanquin againe, and to Pequin; description of it, the way thither, the Kings Palace, and of Suceu, and Hamceu.298 Nanquins glories; huge Walls, Palace, Circuit, Suburbs, &c. Ricius his Booke of Friendship. Princes of the Bloud Royall. Changing of Names. Lover of Geographie, Yellow River. Way to Pequin by River, Carriages, Costs, Townes, Locks, &c. Description of Pequin, or Cambalu, Cathay. Vailes, Mules. Frozen Rivers. Suceu wonders, One wheeled Coach. § 6. Letters from Father Longobard and Taiso. Ricius his entertainment at Nanquin and residence there. The Chinois unlearned learning.314 Chineses Letter. Their Monasteries, Charitie, Schooles, Studies. Long Sabbaths. China Precepts. Fire-workes. Learning. Bonzi-dreames. Bad Mathematicians. Quocum Nobles. Eunuchs ambition. Age-apes. Wild Musike. Admirable Temple. Riccis habit, dispute with Sanhoi. Fond opinions. Eunuchs insolence. Ricius named Sithai. Mathans mischiefes. Ship, boasts. Feast.