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Page:Hakluytus Posthumus or Purchas His Pilgrimes Volume 12.djvu/18

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  2. The Contents of the Chapters—Continued.page
  3. CHAP. VI.
  4. A Letter of Father Diego de Pantoia, one of the Companie of Jesus, to Father Luys de Guzman, Provinciall in the Province of Toledo: written in Paquin, which is the Court of the King of China, the ninth of March, the yeere 1602. H.P.
  5. § 1.
    Difficulties of entring China, their dwelling at Nanquin, going from thence to Paquin, with Presents for the King, troubles in the way by an Eunuch.
  6. Jesuits by Present make way for Presents and Presence. Huge Garrison. Mandarins Houses. Devils disturbe not Jesuits. Jesuits Presents for the King of China. River and Ships. Mathan the Eunuchs pompe, his base minde. Tempting gemmes. Silence of deniall. Pompous Barge. Paintings. Petitioning. Covetousnesse injurious. Images, Crosse, Chalice. Suspicion.
  7. § 2.
    The King sends for them, is delighted with their Clocks and Pictures; they are shut up, after take a House, are admired for learning; Christianitie of China.
  8. Clockes and Pictures admired. King of China his Questions. Pictures, Chinois ill Picturers. Kings closenesse. Jesuites request. Jesuites shut up: hire a House. Chinois ignorant arrogance. Hopes and lets of Converting the Chinois to Christ. Great hopes of Conversion. Desire of Learning.
  9. § 3.
    The description of the Kingdome of China: of Catay and Musk; the division into Provinces; Cities and Townes described, Rivers, Shipping, Commodities, Diet, and feeding.
  10. Description of China. Errours of our Maps and Conceits of China. Intelligence from Tartarian Merchants. China populous. Huge Citie, Three walls. Commodious Rivers. Fertilitie. Strange fishing. Beautifull Barges. Path-way of ships. China merchandise, cheape food, huge Plaines, spare diet. China dyet, stickes, hot drinke, Oile.
