Page:Hand-book of Volapük (Sprauge, 1888).djvu/129

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How do you do, sir? I am well, thank you. Have you been long in town? Not long; I came from Madrid a short time ago. Is Madrid a beautiful city? It is very beautiful; I should have like to stay there longer. Where is your home? My home is in Boston, but I have many friends in this town. Have you studied French? I have studied French, but I cannot speak it well. Do you understand all which you read? Yes, sir; nearly all.

Li-elogol fati obik adelo No, o söl! no-li binom in dom? Li-elilädol gasedis adelo? No elabob timi al lilädön. Liko fat olik stadom adelo? Dani; stadom mödo gudikumo. Flens oma mödik olaboms gälodi mödik ven onoloms osi.


I walk every day in my garden. Do you use a cane? No; canes are only used by old men; do you think that I am old? I don't know; I am young, but I walk with a cane. Do you eat meat every day? I do not eat it on Fridays. When we were in France we used to drink wine; but now, when we are in America, we drink water. How many years were you in France? Three years.

Li-aidlinol vini? Aidlinob vini, ab nu dlinob vati. In Flent aidlinon vini e no vati. In Beljän pükon flentapüki e nedänapüki. Püki kiom pükon in Talop? Nelijapükon; aikiöp nelijels mödik binoms, nelijapükon.


I see myself in the mirror. Please seat (place) yourself in that chair. Whoever loves himself better than his neighbor is not a true Christian, but true Christians love each other. I wash myself every morning.

Eflapobok me spatin at. Dälobok ladetön penedi at ole. Ofunolok. Siadolokös e mekolokös kotenik.



January, 16, 1887.

Respected Sir: I have received your letter of December 31st, of last year, and rejoice very much that you are in good health and that Volapük is making such (so) great progress with you. Concerning the books, which you wish me to buy, I shall go into the city to-morrow and look for them. We are well and greet you and your family.

O söl löfik! Begob das opotol gasebi olik obe du yel bal, ladetöl omi äs pepenos diso. Potob ole doabi bal in pelam e blibob,

Flen olik.

In Volapük one places the adjectiv after the noun and the objectiv after the verb.

In nelijapük, aipladon ladyeki bifü subsat. In deutapük kimifal paipladom (or aipladon kimifali) sotimo bif velib.