Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/17

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LESSON III.—General.

  1. What o'clock is it?
  2. Half past ten.
  3. Come back at four o'clock.
  4. Tell him to wait.
  5. Come tomorrow morning.
  6. At what o'clock do you dine?
  7. Near about the time of noon.
  8. It's rather hot today.
  9. It's not very hot.
  10. It was very hot yesterday.
  11. Today is hotter than yesterday.
  12. Next month will be cold.
  13. Tomorrow is the end of the month.
  14. It was very cold last night.
  15. It's sure to be cold at night.
  16. There was a typhoon some days ago.
  17. Is there any wind now?
  18. It's raining now.
  19. Bring me an umbrella.
  20. It ought not to be raining at this time.
  21. Are there any people in the street?
  22. I want to go out in the afternoon.
  23. Tell the coolies to come and carry the chair.
  24. Are there any horses here?
  25. I fancy (lit. reckon) they are not very good.
  26. I don't dare go out in the daytime.
  27. It's too hot.
  28. Call someone to pull the punkah.
  29. You needn't pull it.
  30. I am in a perspiration.
  31. That doesn't matter.
  32. I'm afraid I shall catch cold.