Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/57

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Near Kern (German kön).
Nearer, bring it Kheeay-bwah-li.
Noodle Dzahm.
Now Seen
News Seen-boon.
Next year Meh-nee.
Next month Ow-gway.
Night Meh-kwah,
Noon Jit-tow.
North Pak; pak-poy.
Nose P'ee.
Notes (of money) Dzee-p'eeay.
Now Tjee-dzoon.
Numbers (cardinal) Beh-dzee.
Oar Dzeeay.
Obey Dzooen.
Office Seeah-jee-pahng.
Often See-see; seeay-seeay.
Oil Eeoo.
Old (of persons) Low.
Old (of things) Koo.
On the table Ts'ung teng.
Once Dzok hooay; dzok pi.
Once, go at Sooee-see kher.
Oneself Kah-kee.
Onion Ts'ahng.
Only Poot-kooay; tooah-tooah.
Open, to Khooee.
Opium Ah-p'yen.