Page:Handbook of the Swatow Dialect.pdf/58

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Opposite Tooee-meen.
Or Hok-tjeeah.
Orange Kah.
Ounce Neeay.
Ought Eng-gi.
Outside Gwah-poy.
Painter Hooay kahng.
Paper Tooah,
Partner Hooay-kee.
Partnership, to dissolve T'eeah-hooay.
Partnership, to enter into Hah-hooay.
Paste Mee-ko,
Pattern Yeeay.
Pay, to Poon dzee; hoy dzee.
Pecul, one Dzek tah.
Peking Pak-keeah.
Pen Pit.
Pencil Een-pit.
Pepper Ho-tjeeay-hoon.
People, the Peh-sang (lit, the 100 names).
Petition, a Peen.
Pewter Seeah.
Please, as you Sooee-peeyen,
Pick up, to Kheeay-khee-li.
Piece, a Kaw.
Pigeon Hoon-tjecow.
Pig Ter.
Pillow Cheem-tow.
Pilot Ts'wah-dzooee-nahng.