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Lesson X.
Chiàⁿ 正 (just) and 識 pat (ever) can be used both to questions and answers, viz.—
- 伊正來
- I chiàⁿ-lâi
- He has just come.
- 爾此時正來
- Lṳ́ chi-tsûn chìaⁿ-lâi?
- Have you just now come?
- 爾昔識來此處否
- Lṳ́ tsá pat-lâi--chié mē?
- Have you ever been here before?
- 我昔不識來此處
- Uá tsá m̄-pat lâi--chié
- I have never been here before.
Ũ (have) 有 in the Perfect Tense, generally followed by the interrogative sign 亞未 a-būe, is used for questions only, and 未 būe (not yet) is used for answers, viz.—
- 伊有來或未
- I ũ[1] lâi a-būe?
- Has he come?
- 伊未來
- I būe lâi
- He has not come.
- 因有去或未
- In ũ[1] khṳ̀ a-būe?
- Have they gone?
- 因未去
- In būe khṳ̀
- They have not gone.
future tense.
The chief signs of the Future Tense are àiⁿ, 正要 chiàⁿ-àiⁿ, (want) 會 õi (can) and 袂 bõi (cannot.) viz.—