- 爾寫個字贏我個
- Lṳ́ siá kâi jī iâⁿ uá kâi
- Your writing is better than mine.
- 伊作事贏爾
- I tsò-sṳ̄ iâⁿ lṳ́
- He does things better than you.
- 爾無用。輸伊
- Lṳ́ bô-ēng su i
- You are no use, and are surpassed by him.
- 爾會走贏伊否
- Lṳ́ õi tsáu-iâⁿ i mē?
- Can you over take him in running?
- 袂。我輸伊
- Bõi, uá su i
- No, I am behind him in running.
the superlative degree.
The words employed in the superlative degrree are 上 siãng and 上頂 siãng-téng (supreme); the latter generally refers to the qualities of goods, viz.—
- 有上大個否
- Ũ siãng-tūa--kâi mē?
- Have you the largest one?
- 此個就是上大個
- Chí--kâi chiũ-sĩ siãng-tūa kâi
- This is the largest one.
- 我要上頂好個
- Uá àiⁿ siãng-téng-hó--kâi
- I want the best (quality.)
Lesson XI.
time generally.
section I.
- 拜乙
- Pài-it
- Monday.
- 拜弍
- Pài-jī
- Tuesday.
- 拜三
- Pài-saⁿ
- Wednesday.
- 拜四
- Pài-sì
- Thursday.