Lesson X.
- 小兒在耍
- Nouⁿ-kiáⁿ tõ sńg
- The boys are playing.
- 我在寫字
- Uá tõ siá-jī
- I am writing.
- 亞奴在哭
- A-nôuⁿ tõ khàu
- The child is crying.
- 伊呾伊要去
- I tàⁿ i àiⁿ-lâi
- He says he is coming.
- 伊要轉去
- I àiⁿ-tńg--khṳ̀
- He is going home.
comparison of adjectives.
the comparative degree.
The words employed in the comparative degree are 愈 zú, 敬 kèng, (more) 𢰳 ióu, (a little) 過 kùe, (over) 贏 iâⁿ (to be superior, to defeat,) and 輸, (to be inferior, to be defeated.)
- 愈多愈好
- Zú-tsōi zú-hó
- The more the better.
- 只個𢰳大
- Chí--kâi ióu-tūa
- This is a little larger.
- 伊有愈多我
- I ũ zú-tsōi uá
- He has more than I.
- 此個敬長過彼個
- Chí--kâi kèng-tn̂g kùe hṳ́-kâi
- This is longer than that.
- 爾個好。我個愈敬好
- Lṳ́--kâi hó, uá--kâi zú-kèng hó
- Yours is good, (but) mine better.
- 伊會走猛過我
- I õi-tsáu méⁿ-kùe uá
- He can run faster than I.
- 伊行猛過伊走
- Lṳ́ kiâⁿ méⁿ-kùe i tsáu
- You walk faster than he runs.
- 潮州府會贏過汕頭或袂
- Tiê-chiu-hú õi iâⁿ-kùe Suaⁿ-thâu a-bõi?
- Is Ch'ao-chow-fu better than Swatow?