Lesson XII.
- 我昨日不記得共爾呾
- Uá tsa-jít m̄-kì-tit kah lṳ́ tàⁿ
- I forgot to tell you yesterday.
- 爾知日何時正蝕
- Lṳ́ tsai jít tiang-sî chiàⁿ-síh?
- Do you know when there will be an eclipse of the sun?
- 不知。我無歷日
- M̄-tsai, uá bô láh-jít
- I don't know, I haven't got a calendar.
- 我昨夜終夜袂睡
- Uá tsa-mêⁿ thàng-mêⁿ bõi-út
- I couldn't sleep the whole of last night.
- 巡更個人昨夜無掌
- Chiéⁿ-keⁿ--kâi-nâng tsa-mêⁿ bô chiéⁿ
- The watchman didn't watch last night.
Lesson XII.
a building &c.
section I.
- 厝
- Tshù
- A house.
- 地脚
- Tī-kha
- Foundation.
- 灰
- Hue
- Lime.
- 墻
- Chhiêⁿ
- Wall.
- 厝頂
- Tshù-téng
- Roof.
- 厝瓦
- Tshù-hiã
- Tiles (roof.)
- 棟樑 樑
- Tòng-êⁿ, êⁿ
- A beam.
- 柱
- Thiõu
- A pillar, a post.
- 磚
- Tsng
- Tiles (floor.)