Lesson XII.
- 紅磚
- Âng-tsng
- Bricks.
- 塗脚
- Thôu-kha
- Floor (earth of tile.)
- 灰埕
- Hue-tiâⁿ
- Lime floor.
- 樓枋
- Lâu-pang
- Board floor.
- 欄杆
- Lân-kan
- Railing.
- 要建厝着有地脚
- Àiⁿ khí-tshù tiéh ũ tī-kha
- To build a house, there must be a foundation.
- 地脚深。厝就堅
- Tī-kha chhim, tshù chiũ khiàng
- If the foundation is deep, then the house will be strong.
- 無地脚厝袂站
- Bô tī-kha tshù bõi-khiã
- Without a foundation, the house will not stand.
- 灰切要着足。無。墻袂有
- Hue chhiet-iòu tiéh kàu, bô, chhiêⁿ bõi-tōiⁿ
- It is important to have sufficient lime, otherwise, the walls will not be hard.
- 我個厝頂個厝瓦有零塊破
- Uá kâi tshù-téng kâi tshù-hiã ũ lân-kò phùa
- Some of the tiles on my roof are broken.
- 厝漏
- Tshù lāu
- The house leaks.
- 我要呌司阜來修整
- Uá àiⁿ-kiè sai-pẽ lâi siu-síp
- I want to get a bulder to repair it.
- 此枝柱大枝
- Chí-ki thiõu tuā-ki
- This pillar is large.
- 塗脚個紅磚破
- Thôu-kha kâi âng-tsng phùa
- The bricks of the floor are broken.
- 呌司阜來補
- Kiè sai-pẽ lâi póu
- Call the builder to mend them.
- 塗脚每個禮拜着洗壹次
- Thôu-kha chék-kâi lói-pài tiéh sói chék-ē
- The floor must be washed once a week.