Lesson XIII.
- 各個埠頭都有市
- Kâi-kâi pou-thâu tou ũ chhĩ
- There is a market in every town.
- 香港有大行
- Hiang-káng ũ tūa-hâng
- There are large hongs in Hong Kong.
- 在彼個舖高大
- Tõ-hié kâi phòu kûiⁿ-tūa
- The shops there are high and large.
- 有個舖三四演高
- Ũ-kâi phòu saⁿ-sì în kûiⁿ
- Some shops there are three or four stories high.
- 爾在彼有几間厝
- Lṳ́ tõ-hié ũ kúi-koiⁿ tshù?
- How many houses have you there?
- 我在彼有壹間
- Uá tõ-hié ũ chék-koiⁿ
- I have one house there.
- 每個月稅壹百個銀
- Chék-kâi guéh sùe chék-peh kâi ngṳ̂n
- It is let at $100 a month.
Lesson XIII.
human body &c.
- 靈魂
- Lêng-hûn
- Soul.
- 命
- Miāⁿ
- Life.
- 頭
- Thâu
- Head.
- 毛
- Môⁿ
- Hair.
- 頭毛
- Thâu-môⁿ
- Hair of the head, (human.)
- 辮
- Piⁿ
- Queue.
- 面
- Mīn
- Face.
- 目
- Mák
- 目周
- Mák-chiu
- Eyes.
- 目眉
- Mák-bâi
- Eye-brow.