Lesson XIV.
- 我曉
- Uá hióu
- I know.
- 此個人仔雅在
- Chí-kâi ang-kiáⁿ ngiá-tsãi
- This picture is very beautiful.
- 燈拭不清潔
- Teng chhit m̄-chheng-khi
- The lamps are not wiped clean.
- 共四指呾,呌伊叧外拭
- Kah sì-tsóiⁿ tàⁿ, hàm i lêng-ngūa chhit
- Tell the boy to wipe the lamps again.
- 爾此內有許多奇巧物
- Lṳ́ chí-lãi ũ chék-tshoh khî-khá-muéh
- You have a quantity of curiosities in your house.
- 是趣味在
- Sĩ tshù-bi̍ tsãi
- They are very funny indeed.
- 火爐有起火或未
- Húe-lôu ũ khí-húe a-būe?
- Have you made a fire in the grate?
- 未。我此時正要來起
- Bũ7e, uá chí-tsûn chiàⁿ-àiⁿ lâi-khí
- Not yet, I am just going to make one.
- 猛猛冷在。火起𤍠𤍠
- Méⁿ méⁿ chhìn-tsãi, húe-khí jiét-jiét
- Look sharp, it is very cold, and make the fire very fierce.
- 塗炭落多多
- Thôu-thùaⁿ lóh tsōi-tsōi
- Put plenty of coals on.
- 此領氈携去伯丢塗粉
- Chí-niáⁿ chiⁿ khiéh khṳ̀ pũaⁿ-tiòu thôu-hún
- Take this rug and beat off the dust.
- 在此好放壹張四方床
- Tõ-chié hó-sāi chék-tieⁿ sì-pang tshn̂g
- Here can be put a square table.
- 此張員床來徙放別處
- Chí-tieⁿ îⁿ-tshn̂g lâi suá pàng pát-kò
- Let us remove this round table to some other place.
- 要徙放何處
- Àiⁿ-súa pàng tî-kò?
- Where shall we remove it to?
- 此張册架來徙放此
- Chí-tieⁿ chheh-kè lài súa pàng chié;
- Let us remove the book-stand here;
- 員床來放彼
- Îⁿ-tshn̂g lâi-sāi pàng-hié…
- And place the round table there.
- 爾去我寫字床携壹枝鉛筆來
- Lṳ́ khṳ̀ uá siá-jī-tshn̂g khiéh chék-ki în-pit lâi,
- You go to my writing desk and get me a pencil,