Lesson XIV.
- 共携壹張紙
- Kah khiéh chék-tieⁿ tsúa
- And a sheet of paper.
- 是可紙。白竹紙或是西國紙
- Sĩ-mih tsúa, péh-tek-tsúa a-sĩ sai-kok-tsúa
- What sort of paper, Chinese or foreign?
- 隨便都好
- Zuãn tou-hó
- Either will do.
- 先生要寫字爾來磨墨
- Sin-seⁿ àiⁿ siá-jī lṳ́ lâi bûa-bák
- The teacher is going to write, you come and rub the ink-stick.
- 信皮要否
- Sìn-phûe àiⁿ mē?
- Do you want an envelope?
- 要也。携張來
- Àiⁿ a, khiéh tieⁿ lâi
- Yes, get me one.
- 草蓆共拭脚個蓑携去晒
- Tsháu-chhiéh kah chhit-kha kâi sui, khiéh khṳ̀ phák
- Take the matting and the door-mat and air them in the sun.
- 拍清潔。了正去晒
- Pũaⁿ chheng-khih, lióu chiàⁿ-khṳ̀ phák
- Beat them clean before putting them in the sun.
- 走馬樓個簾放落來
- Tsáu-bé-lâu kâi liâm pàng--lôh-lâi
- Let go the blinds of the verandah.
- 爾曉撞枳否
- Lṳ́ hióu thn̄g-chí mē?
- Can you play billiards?
- 曉也。爾要共我輸贏
- Hióu a, lṳ́ àiⁿ kah uá su-iâⁿ?
- Yes, do you wish to have a match with me?
- 咱來撞戲耍就好
- Nán lâi thn̄g thit-thô chiũ-hó
- Let us simply play (a game) for pleasure.
- 免用相輸。我不上賭賻
- Mín-ēng sie-su, uá m̄-siãng puáh-chîⁿ
- We needn't have a match, as I don't like to gamble.
- 賭賻是不好事
- Puáh-chîⁿ sĩ m̄-móⁿ sṳ̄
- Gambling is a bad thing.

Bed Room.
- 眠床
- Mîn-tshn̂g
- A bedstead.
- 抗床
- Khàng-tshn̂g
- A Chinese couch.
- 鋪
- Phou
- A bed formed of two benches with boards laid across.
- 褥
- Zók
- Mattress.