Lesson XIV.
- 枕頭
- Chím-thâu
- A pillow.
- 欖個枕頭
- Nám--kâi chím-thâu
- A bolster.
- 蚊帳
- Máng-tiàⁿ
- Mosquito curtain.
- 眠床白布
- Mîn-tshn̂g péh-pòu
- Bed-sheet.
- 枕頭囊
- Chím-thâu-lông
- Pillow-case.
- 被
- Phũe
- Bed clothes (cotton.)
- 袒
- Tháng
- Bed clothesDo. (woollen.)
- 蚊帳鈎
- Máng-tiàⁿ-kau
- A hook for mosquito net.
- 鏡
- Kiàⁿ
- A looking glass.
- 梳
- Siu
- A comb.
- 虱箆
- Sat-pìn
- A Chinese small-tooth comb.
- 筅
- Tshóiⁿ
- 刷
- Sueh
- A brush.
- 齒刷
- Khí-chhiù
- A tooth-brush.
- 剃刀
- Thì-to
- A razor.
- 衫吊
- Saⁿ-tiòu
- A clothes-horse.
- 帽吊
- Bō-tiòu
- A hat-stand.
- 箱
- Sieⁿ
- A box.
- 橱
- Tû
- A wardrobe, a press.
- 櫃
- Kūiⁿ
- A chest of drawers.
- 隔
- Keh
- A drawer, or a shelf, as of a book-stand.