Lesson XV.
- 種
- Chèng
- To plant.
- 扭
- Liú
- To dig.
- 白發
- Péh-huat
- Weeds.
- 欉
- Tsâng
- A classifier of a tree.
- 摘
- Tiah
- To pluck.
- 沃花個人在何處
- Ak-hue--kâi-nâng tõ tî-ko?
- Where is the gardener?
- 呌伊速速來沃花
- Hàm i méⁿ-méⁿ lâi ak-hue
- Tell him to look sharp and come and water the plants.
- 花俱皆饒饒
- Hue lóng-tsóng jiôu-jîou
- The plants are all dried up.
- 好多日無沃
- Hoh-tsōi jít bô-ak
- They have not been watered for several days.
- 有個要死了
- Ũ-kâi àiⁿ-sí--lō
- Some of them are withering.
- 此欉死了。扭丢
- Chí--tsâng sí lō, liú-tiòu
- This one is withered, dig it out.
- 在彼有䓶。着去掘丢
- Tõ-hié ũ chhì, tiéh khṳ̀ kút-tiòu
- There are thorns there, you must go and hoe them away.
- 掘了携糞箕携丢
- Kút-lióu khiéh pùn-ki put-tiòu
- After hoing them get baskets and remove them.
- 此欉花何人種個
- Chí-tsâng hue tî-tiâng chèng--kâi?
- Who has planted this plant here?
- 是我種個
- Sĩ uá chèng--kâi.
- I planted it.
- 彼欉是白發個
- Hṳ́--tsâng sĩ péh-huat--kâi
- That one is a weed.
- 白發個勿。挽丢
- Péh-huat--kâi màiⁿ, mán-tiòu
- I don't want any weeds, pull it up.