Page:Handsome cobler, or, The father outwitted (2).pdf/2

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( 2 )


YOU that delight in merriment,
come liſten to my ſong,
'Tis very new and certain true,
you will not tarry long,
Before you laugh your belly full,
then pray be pleas'd to ſtay,
And I hope you'll be well pleaſed,
before you go away

There was a Knight in Derbyſhire,
that had a handſome ſon,
He kept a handſome chambermaid,
the which his favour won;
They dearly lov'd each other,
and oft would ſport and play,
Till he had got her belly up,
pray mind now what I ſay

In tears to him ſhe told the ſtory,
my deareſt love, ſaid ſhe,
I am no leſs than twenty weeks,
now gone with child to thee;
He ſaid, Love, be contented,
there all that can be ſaid,
And do not let my Father know,
next Sunday we'll be wed.

But mind how cruel fortune,

their ruin ſtrove to force,