Page:Handsome cobler, or, The father outwitted (2).pdf/3

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The old man ſtood in a corner,
and heard their whole diſcourſe;
Next morn he call'd the chambermaid,
likewiſe the youth his ſon,
And with a ſmiling leering look,
The tale he thus begun,

And ſaid, I wiſh you both much joy,
you're to be wed on Sunday:
But prithee now be rul'd by me,
and put it off till Monday:
It will be but one day longer,
with that he laugh'd outright;
But ah! ſaid he, I'll part you both,
leſt it ſhould be to night.

He paid the girl her wages,
and home the girl was ſent,
And he confin'd to his chamber,
in tears for to lament;
Next morning away to London,
along with a ſturdy guide,
To his uncle's houſe in Cheap-ſide,
and there for to abide.

And as they rode along the road,
he ſaid unto the guide,
I'll give thee full twenty guineas,
let me but ſtep aſide.
Becauſe this very morning,
one word my Father ſaid,
The which I will remember,
and keep it in my head.