Page:Handsome cobler, or, The father outwitted (2).pdf/4

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The guide he then gave conſent;
he went to his ſweetheart Sue,
And told her the whole ſtory,
that he deſign'd to do:
Diſguiſed like an old Cobler,
with ſham old muſty beard,
In a leathern old coat not worth a groat,
to his Father's houſe he rode.

He knocked at the door right hard,
his father thither came,
He ſaid, Sir, Are you ſuch a one?
he anſwer'd, Yes I am;
He ſaid, I underſtand your Son,
a wanton trick has play'd,
Unknown unto your worſbip,
and with your chambermaid.

I underſtand ſome money, Sir,
with her you're free to give,
To help to keep the child and ſhe,
as long as they ſhall live;
And I'm an honeſt Cobler,
that liveth here hard by,
For fifty pounds I'll marry her,
if that will ſatisfy.

The old man ſaid, before then
the money I do pay,
I'll ſee her fairly married,
and I'll give her away:
With all my heart, the Cobler

unto the old man ſaid;