Page:Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance (Cap. 595).pdf/10

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Ord. No. 19 of 2007

(a) use for laboratory-scale research purpose;
(b) use as a reference standard for chemical analysis; or
(c) use for laboratory-scale research purpose and as a reference standard for chemical analysis.

11. Power of Director to impose conditions on permits

(1) Without affecting the generality of section 40(2)(b) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1), the Director may, on issuing or renewing a permit under section 10, impose—

(a) any such condition as he considers appropriate that relates to any premises at which the activity authorized under the permit is to be carried out;
(b) any such condition as he considers appropriate that relates to any intended purpose or mode of operation of the activity authorized under the permit;
(c) any such condition as he considers appropriate that requires the permit holder to comply with any other enactment that governs the activity authorized under the permit; and
(d) any such condition as he considers appropriate for the protection of public health or the environment.

(2) When considering whether to impose any condition under subsection (1), or the conditions to be imposed under that subsection, the Director is to have regard to other enactments that govern the activity authorized under the permit.

12. Refusal of application for permits, etc.

If the Director decides—

(a) to refuse an application for the issue of a permit under section 10(1); or
(b) to refuse an application for the renewal of a permit under section 10(2),

he shall, by notice in writing served on the applicant, inform the applicant of his decision and the reasons for his decision.

Variation of permit conditions, etc.

13. Power of Director to vary permit conditions

(1) The Director may vary the conditions of a permit—