Page:Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance (Cap. 595).pdf/11

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Ord. No. 19 of 2007

(a) on his own initiative; or
(b) on an application that complies with any regulation made under section 45, and subject to the compliance by the applicant with any other requirement imposed under or by virtue of any such regulation in relation to the application.

(2) When considering whether to vary the conditions of a permit under subsection (1), or the variation to be made under that subsection, the Director is to have regard to other enactments that govern the activity authorized under the permit.

14. Director to notify his decisions to vary or refuse to vary permit conditions

(1) If the Director decides—

(a) to vary the conditions of a permit under section 13; or
(b) to refuse an application for the variation of the conditions of a permit under section 13,

he shall, by notice in writing served on the permit holder, inform the permit holder of his decision and the reasons for his decision.

(2) Where the Director decides to vary the conditions of a permit under section 13, the notice shall state the manner in which the conditions are to be varied.

15. When Director’s decisions to vary permit conditions take effect

(1) Where the Director decides to vary the conditions of a permit under section 13, the variation is to take effect on the day specified in the notice referred to in section 14 for that purpose.

(2) A variation is to take effect under subsection (1) notwithstanding that an appeal has been or is to be lodged under section 42(b) against the Director’s decision.

16. Return of permits to Director after variation of permit conditions takes effect

(1) After a variation of the conditions of a permit takes effect, the conditions of the permit shall be read subject to the variation.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), not later than 10 working days after the variation takes effect, the permit holder shall return the permit to the Director.