Page:Henry Blyth's contract.pdf/4

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our names to the kirk-sessions, an pay site-siller to the box to keep from getting on upo' the stool of repentance for a twalmonth to com: an fornens, that I was to get threty marks wi' her an a mare, an a' my fees were to be laid to that, if I dyd first, a' my things were to be hers, an if she dyd neest, a' my things were to be mine; the bairns were to be divided amon' the first end o the gear: the lads were to be older than a’ the lasses, bat the lasses war to com in before the lads in the tastification as John Fallow laid it down upo' write.

Well, twa three days afterhend, she coms to me, upo' a day fan I'm at the plough, an says Henry, coshie, ye ken fat we did at the kirk-yard an the bridal, you're a gay conspectable wark lad, an I hae been tried in barns an byrs, an can put my hand to a thing, cushie, as well's my neibers. An sae I convolv'd, that fin' it was the way that other folk did, an' her kist was well made up wi' affaens, I just arrests her to meet me at Forgan the morn: sae I ged my wa' hame, musted my head, an made ready a clean o'erlay, my purlt handit fark, a staff an a blue bannet o' my head, an rises as soon as the cock gat upo' the kitchen, an cam on the king's highway to Forgan, an be the sun was haf an ell frae the lift I was at the Orchard, an sam meets I but just my lord i' the teeth. Ho' good day Henry, cothie, fat is your will, my lord, cothie. Ha' you got a wife, yet Henry cothie? De'il ane hae you gotten yoursel yet, my lord, cothie. Fat makes you so soon up, cothie? I've been takin in some meal Henry cothie. Indeed my lord cothie, an you wad lift up that house to your ducat it wad cost you less travel. How wad you do that Henry cothie? My lord, cothie, gar John Fushicad your officer raise the ground, an send in filler for tows to the balies o' Dundee, an shoot them in beneath the foundation, an cut trees to let it o'er the brig, we'll carry it up in a forenoon, an make it twa cupple higher,