Page:Henry Blyth's contract.pdf/5

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an strike thro' a throu-art, an it were but to see a sick beast. He gat up wi' a gaff o' laughter, an says, well control'd Henry cothie, I'll gie you three dollars to grieve the wark. My lord cothie, I'll seek naething bat the cloth Elspit Fusihicad your honour's widow's tenant's wife rests me, but the warld's making a tournament upo' her, an the corn no casting up good years, you've meddl'd wi' a' her gear, ilka hilt an hair o't, cothie, sae it contains your honour to gi' me disatisfiction: well Henry cothie, there's my hand and a sixpence that I'll see you wrang'd. Weel God detain and disolve your honour, cothie: sae I recover'd my bannet an disaluted him, an coms to the house far the neibers was sitting i' the fire, provincing an perverting the defairs o' the kintry, an fan they saw me O welcome Henry, here to your health an luck to the bargain. Drink, it's welcome, cothie, in good faith I wish't a well, I wat I thank you in conscience, I wish we ne'er want war, let never sorrow gang so near your heart.

Well maistris is, I think she's a gay lassie, an she binna a war man nor her father, I'll be right well set upo' her; well I wat she taks it well a kind, for her mother was as able a barn man as e'er held wind to the corn. The house I was to tak ran just down by the water-side, it was a gay neat misdeamable house, wi' a butt an a ben, an a fire side, an a close that wad hadden a swine, the fire stood just i' the mids o' the floor, an the sun came in at the wast windock fan the lads got their dorder meat, with a disportional yard that wad hae sawn six firlots o' bear. Just as we're previncing an disclosing up by comes Fushicam that dwalls down at the Brigend, an sais, This man maun pay for his house an yard twenty marks, cothie. Saul, stir chamberlain, cothie, an you winna tak twenty pund, keep them to yoursell cothie. Well Henry, cothie, lick my thing, an lay it to yours, aw sin it is sae, that it maun be nae ither way, than