and Heidelberg universities. In 1896-97 he was assistant professor in the Ohio state university; and in 1897-1903 was instructor of American constitutional history in the university of Pennsylvania. Since 1903 he has been assistant professor and since 1907 has been dean of the graduate school in the university of Pennsylvania. He is the author of The Proposed Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which in 1897 was
was born In 1861 he was first lieutenant and captain of the eleventh infantry; in 1863 became colonel in the sixth United States infantry; and in 1865 was honorably mustered out of the volunteer service. He received brevets of major and lieutenantcolonel; and in 1865 brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died April 6, 1878, in Massachusetts. Ames, Joseph, portrait painter, artist, was born Sept. 6, 1816, in Roxbury, N.H. His best
awarded the
degree of Ph.D. from Harvard uniand subsequently studied in the Le-
prize of the American historical is also the author of State Documents on Federal Relations; and several historical Monographs.
Ames, James Barr, educator, professor of was born June 23, 1846, in Boston, Mass. He was educated in the Boston public latin school; and in 1868 graduated from Harvard university, from which institution he received the degree of A.M. In 187172 he was a tutor of French and German in Harvard college and an instructor in history in 1873-73. In 1873-77 he was associate professor of law in Harvard law school and has been professor of law in that institution since 1877 and its dean since 1895. He has law, author,
compiled collections of eases on torts, pleading, bills and notes, partnership, trusts, suretyship and equity. He is the author of numerous articles in the Harvard Law Review and other law reviews.
Ames, John C, merchant, banker, federal official, was born July 17, 1852, in La Salle county, 111. He was educated in the public schools and at the state normal university of Illinois. He became connected with the drug trade in Streator, HI.; opened a large hardware store in that city and subsequently organized the J. C. Ames lumber company, of which he is still at the head. In 1891 he organized the City national bank of Streator, 111.; and for four years was state canal commissioner. Since 1898 he has been United States marshal for the northern district of
Ames, John Griffith, clergyman, government official, author, was born Dec. 11, 1834, in East Dorset, Vt. He was educated at the Burr seminary of Manchester, Vt.; in 1858 graduated from Williams college of Massachusetts; and in 1863 graduated from the Theological seminary of Ohio. In 1864-66 he was rector of the church of the redeemer in Morristown, N.J.; in 1867-70 was rector of Christ church in Springfield, Ohio; and in 1870-73 was head of the house of evangelists in New York City. Since 1874 he has been superintendent of documents in the United States department of the interior at Washington, D.C. He is the author of Report on Mission Indians of California; Comprehensive Index to Publications of the United States Government, 1881-93; Reports on Public Documents; and compiled The Official Register of the United States, 1875-93.
Ames, John Worthington,
in 1820 in Massachusetts.
pictures are portraits of Ristori, Pre-
Emerson, Rachel and President Felton of Harvard. Among his ideal paintings are Miranda; Night; Morning; The Death of Webster; and Maud MuUer. He died Oct. 30, seott,
New York City. Ames, Joseph Sweetman, educator, author, was born July 3, 1864, in Manchester, Vt. He is professor of physics in Johns Hopkins university. He is the author of Theory of Physics; Manual of Experiments in Physics; and The Induction of Electric Currents. Ames, Julia A., editor, temperance worker, was born Oct. 14, 1861, near Odell, 111. She became assistant national superintendent of 1872, in
the press for the Woman's christian temperance union; was a noted contributor to the Union Signal; and in 1890 organized a press department for the Woman's christian temperance union in London, England. She died Sept. 12, 1891, in Streator,
Ames, Lucia True, author, was born May 5, 1856, in Boscawen, N.H. For many years she conducted numerous large adult classes in Boston, giving studies in nineteenth century thought. She is the author of Great
Thoughts for Little Thinkers; and Memoirs of a Millionaire, a -work of fiction. Ames, Nathan P., manufacturer, was born in 1803. in 1829;
He commenced
the cutlery business
and in 1834 the Ames manufacturing company was incorporated, with N. P.
as agent. This company has supplied the United States government with swords since 1831. In 1840 he visited Europe to inspect foreign armories, and to acquire informtioa in regard to tools, cutlery, and improvements in arms. In 1836 the bronze foundry was erected, which has become the most famous in the United States. Since its erection nearly all the brass guns made for the American army have been cast at this establishment. Here the celebrated statues were cast of De Witt Clinton in Gr.eenwood cemetry of
Brooklyn, of Washington in Union square of New York City, and that of Franklin in School street of Boston. In 1854 the British government ordered of this company a complete set of the machines for perfecting the stock of the musket. They are now in use at the government armory near Woolwich, England. He died April 23, 1847, in Chicopee, Mass. Ames, Nathaniel, physician, author, was born in 1708 in Bridgewater, Mass. He practiced medicine in Dedham, Mass. He publish-