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HBRRINGSPIAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Anderson, Rasmus Bjorn, journalist, educator, diplomat, author, was born Jan. 12, 1846, in Albion, Wis. In 1866 he became professor of Greek and

modern languages in Albion academy, near his home. In 1869 he became instructor

Anderson, Robert, soldier, was born June Ky. In 1835 he graduated from West Point; and was assigned 14, 1805, in Louisville,

to the third artillery as second lieutenant.



tain in the fifth Virginia continentals he led the advance of the Americans at the battle of Trenton in 1776, crossing the Delaware river in the first boat, and driving in the Hessian outposts several hours before the main attack was delivered. He was at the battles of Brandy wine and Germantown; and was n daring leader wherever dash and resolution were needed. He died Oct. 16, 1836, in Louisville, Ky. Anderson, Richard Clough, lawyer, congressman, was born Aug. 14, 1788, in Louisville, Ky. In 1817-21 he was a representative from Kentucky to the fifteenth and sixIn 1822 he was again teenth congresses. returned to the state legislature, and was chosen speaker. He was appointed minister to Colombia in 1823 and in 1826, when, proceeding to the Panama congress as envoy extraordinary, he died on the journey, July

Tubaco. Anderson, Richard Herron, soldier, was born Oct. 7, 1821, in Slatesburg, S.C. He graduated from the military academy; and in 1847 was brevetted first-lieutenant for gallantry in the Mexican war. In 1861 he resigned from the United States army. He was made a brigadier-general in the con24, 1836, in

federate army; general in 1864

was promoted

to lieutenant-

and in the Wilderness cam-



of 1832 he was colonel of a company of Illinois volunteers. He took part in the

Seminole and Mexican wars; and in 1857 was appointed major

literature in that institution, where he also founded a Scandinavian library; and

The Younger Edda; The Elder Edda; and several works in Norwegian. Anderson, Richard Clough, soldier, was born Jan. 12, 1750, in Hanover, Va. As cap-



navian languages and

enviable reputation, his principal works being Norse Mythology; America Not Discovered by Columbus; Echoes from Mist-Land; History of the Literature of the Scandinavian North; Viking Tales of the North;


paign had several important commands. died June 26, 1879, in Beaufort, S.C.

language's in the university of Wisconsin, and in 1875-83 filled the chair of Scandi-

has contributed to Johnson's Universal Cyclopaedia; ilcClintock and Strong's Cyclopaedia; the American supplement of the Encyclopaedia Britanica; and to the last edition of Chambers' Encyclopaedia. He has lectured extensively on the subject of Norse literature and mythology. In 1885-89 he was United States minister to Denmark; and since 1898 has been editor and publisher of Amerika, a weekly Norwegian paper. In 1906-07 he edited the Xorroena Library, in sixteen volumes. As an author of books he has won an






He was commander


Fort Sumter when


was forced to surrend-




attained the rank of brigadier-generand subsequently was brevetted major-

general. soldiers'

He was one of the founders of the home in Washington. He died Oct.

27, 1871, in Nice, France.

Anderson, Robert Houston, soldier, was born Oct. 1, 1835, in Savannah, Ga. He graduated from the United States military academy; attained the rank of second lieutenant in 1857; and resigned from the United States army in 1861. He entered the confederate army in 1861; and rose by successive advancements to brigadier-general in 1864. In 1867 he became chief of police in Savannah, Ga. He died Feb. 8, 1888, in Savannah, Ga.

Anderson, Robert


railroad president,

11, 1856, in Mayfield,

was born Dec.

president of the Live road at Ocalo, Fla. is

Ky. He

Oak and Gulf


Anderson, Rufus, missionary, author, was

was born Aug. Maine.

17, 1796, in

North Yarmouth,

He graduated from Bowdoin

in 181 8

and subsequently graduated from the An-

He dover seminary. devised the Christian almanac, which is still continued under the title of the Family Christian

^a ^^ '^ """k



has a circulation of nearly half a million ^^L Wj^^m copies annually. He ^^^ ^ missionary in varipus countries He was secretary of the American board of foreign missions in 182474. He was the author of Memoir of Catherine Brown; Foreign Missions, Their Relations and Claims; and History of the American Board's Missions. He died May 30, 1880. Anderson, Samuel, congressman, was born in 1774 in Pennsylvania. He served repeatedly in the Pennsylvania state legislature ; and was speaker of the house during two sessions. In 1827-29 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the twentieth congress. He died Jan. 17, 1850, in Chester, Pa. ,


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