HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Andrews, Edmund, surgeon, founder, inventor, was born April 22, 1824, in Putney, Vt. He filled the chair of demonstrator of anatomy at the Rush medical college of Chicago; and subsequently the chairs of the principles and practice of surgery and of clinical and military surgery in the Chicago medical college, of which institution he was one of the founders. In 1859 he became surgeon to the Mercy hosptal. During the civil war he served as surgeon-in-chief of camp Douglas; and was afterward sent to the front as surgeon of the first Illinois light artillery. He has been president of the Illinois state medical society; and president of the Chicago academy of sciences. Dr. Andrews was one of the founders of the Michigan state medical society; and is a trustee of Northwestern university. Numerous improvements in surgical apparatus and operations have been made by him; among them is the practical demonstration of the value of free incision, digital exploration, and disinfection of lumbar abscesses. He died in 1904 in Chicago, 111. Andrews, Edward Gayer, educator, clergyman, college president, bishop, was bom Aug. 7, 1825, in New Hartford, N.Y. In 1847 he graduated from the Wesleyan university of Middletown, Conn. In 1855 he became a teacher in Cazenovia seminary in New York; in 1856 was chosen president; and in 185664 was also its principal. In 1864-72 he filled pastorates in the methodist episcopal church in Stamford and Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1872-1907 he was bishop of the methodist episcopal church. He was the author of Semi-Contennial Addresses, delivered in 1875 and 1881. He died Dec. 31, 1907, in Brooklyn. N.Y. Andrews, Edward Wyllys, surgeon, author, was born March 25, 1856, in Chicago, 111. Since 1881 he has practiced surgery in Chicago, 111.; and since 1883 has been professor of surgery at the Northwestern university medical school. Since 1889 he has been United States surgeon to the bureau of pensions. He is the author of Surgery of the Stomach and New Methods of Herpiotomy. Andrews, Elisha, clergyman, author, «as born Sept. 29, 1768, in Middletown, Conn. He preached in numerous churches in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. He was the author of The Moral Tendencies of Universalism; Review of Winchester's Dialogues on Universal Restoration; and other works. He died Feb. 3, 1840, in Massachusetts. Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, educator, college president, author, was born Jan. 10, 1844, in Hinsdale, N. H. He was president of Brown university in 1889-98 in 1898-1900 was superintendent of public schools of Chicago, 111.; and in 1900-08 was chancellor of the university of Nebraska. He is the author of Institutes of General History; In;
of Econoinics, Brief Institutes
Our Constitutional History; An Honest Dollar; Eternal Words and Other Sermons; History of the United States; Wealth and 9
Moral Law; and History of the Last Quarter Century of the United States. Andrews, Eliza Frances, educator, journalist, lecturer, author, was born Aug. 10, 1840, in Washington, Ga. Her father was Judge G arnett Andrews, an eminent jurist and the author of Reminiscences of An Old Georgia Lawyer. In 1857 she graduated from the La Grange college of Georgia; and in 1885-97
was professor in the Wesleyan college of Macon, which institution conferred upon her the degree of A.M. She has
on and is a most accomplished field botanist. She is the author of A Family Secret A Mere Adventure; Prince Hal; Botany the Year Round; and War-time Journal of a Georgia Girl. Andrews, Ernest E., oil producer, miner, was born June 20, 1861, in Clean, N.Y. For various subjects;
fine linguist;
years he was in the oil business in York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and West
Virginia, as superintendent, manager and producer. Since 1896 he has been located in the Klondike, with headquarters at Dawson. He is the manager and part owner of the Pacific coast mining company, a stock company capitalized at one million dollars. Andrews, Ethan Allen, educator, naturalist, author, was bom Sept. 10, 1859, in New York City. In 1881 he graduated from Yale university with the degree of Ph. B.; then studied in Germany; and subsequently obtained the degree of Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins university. Since 1892 he has been associate-professor at the Johns Hopkins university of Baltimore, Md. Since 1892 he has been associate-editor of the American Naturalist; and is the author of valuable biological Monographs and contributions to scientific literature.
Andrews, Ethan Allen, educator, tor, author,
was bom April 7, 1787, in New He was at one time professor
Britain, Conn.
of ancient languages in the university of
North Carolina. For several years he was judge of probate; and in 1851 was a member of the Connecticut state legislature. Besides a Latin-English Dictionary, he was the author of a valuable series of classical textbooks. He died March 24, 1858, in New Britain, Conn.
Andrews, Frank De Wette,
librarian, anti-
quarian, was born Aug. 1, 1847, in Southington, Conn. He settled in Vineland, N.J. and became interested in antiquarian pursuits. He has an extensive collection of autograph letters and documents; and a, library of Amricana. He is the secretary and librarian of the Vineland historical and antiquarian society; and has written on historical subjects
and numismatics.