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HERRINGSHAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Arctander, John W., lawyer, author, was horn in 1849 in Stockholm, Sweden. After he received his education he studied law and was admitted to the r-- »•- aaiilfc. 1 bar. In 1880 he became district attorney for

rectangular large-sized lead furnaces with bosches in Nevada, which are the type now used by lead smelters of the United States; and invented and patented the modern leadwell or siphontap for lead blast furnaces. He has contributed valuable technical papers to the Transactions of the American institute

the twelfth judicial district of Minnesota; and in 1885 was made

of mining engineers.

Arey, Mrs. Harriett Ellen Grannis, jour-

a member of the commission which drafted the present penal code of the state of Minnesota. Since 1886 he has practiced law in St. Paul, Minn.; and has



nalist, author, poet, was born April 14, 1819, in Cavendish, Vt. She was one of the founders and the first president of the Ohio wom-

an's state press association. For many years she has been president of an active literary and social club of Cleveland, Ohio. She is the author of Household Songs and Other Poems



the legal and political affairs of that city. He is the author of Practical Handbook of the Laws of Minnesota, published in Norwegian and in Swedish; and also translated into English Ibsen's The Master Builder.


Arens, Franz Gavier, musician, composer,

was born Oct. 28, 1857, in Germany. In 1866 lie came to the United States. He graduated from the Royal con-


orchestra; and


conductor of the Indianapolis May musical festivals in 1892-96. Until 1897 he was president of the Metropolitan school of music



Ind.; and then in 1900 York people's symphony

founded the New concerts, of which he is now conductor. He is the author of The Troubadour; and is the composer of Symphonic Fantasia and other pieces.

Arents, Albert, metallurgist, inventor,


born March 14, 1840, in Germany. He has heen in charge of metallurgical mills and smelting works in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada and Utah. He introduced the 10

School Training.

he has been a consulting mining and metallurgical engineer of Denver, Col. He has made special researches in the mineral industry. Argall, Samuel, colonial governor, was born in 1580 in England. He was a mariner; and conducted Lord De la Warr to Virginia, arriving just in time to prevent the abandonment of Jamestown. In 1617-18 he was colonial governor of Virginia. He died about

Ardery, Mrs. Mary D., physician, scientist, was born Oct. 8, 1842, in CarroUton, Ky. She was educated in the public schools of her native state; attended the Iowa female seminary and graduated from the Keokuk medical and Chicago polyclinic. She is a prominent physician of Knoxville, Iowa; has been vicepresident of Marion county medical society; and president of the state society Iowa med-

servatory of music in Dresden. In 1885-88 he was conductor of the Cleveland philharmon-

Home and

Argall, Philip, chemist, scientist, was born Aug. 27, 1864, in Belfast, Ireland. Since 1901

Arden, Edwin Hunter Pendleton, actor, <iramatist, author, was born Feb. 13, 1864, in St. Louis, Mo. He has been a reporter and theatrical manager. Since 1882 he has been an aetor with various companies. He is the author of Barred Out; The 'Raglan's Way; and Zorah, which he produced in 1889.




1640. Arguello, Luis Antonio, governor, was born June 31, 1874, in San Francisco, Cal. In 182225 he was governor of California. He died March 27, 1830, in San Francisco, Cal. . Arkell, James, manufacturer, inventor, statesman, was born about 1830 in England. During the civil war he invented a machine for the manufacture of paper sacks. In 1883 was elected to the New York state senate. He died about 1896 in Canajoharie, N.Y. Arkell, William J., journalist, publisher, was bom March 26, 1856, in Canajoharie, N. 1, He is publisher of Judge, Leslie's Weekly and Demorest's Family Magazine, all of New York City. Arkins, John, soldier, journalist, political economist; was born Feb. 14, 1842, in Fayette county. Pa. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the fifth regiment Minnesota infantry; served until 1864; and attained the rank of colonel. In 1880 he established the Evening Chronicle in Leadville, Col. Two years later he purchased an interest in the Rocky Mountain News of Denver, Col.; of which he was manager and chief editor until his death. He was prominent as a political economist; and had the distinction of calling the first convention which resulted in the agitation for the free and unlimited coinage of silver by the government. He died in 1894 in Denver, Col.; and his funeral, which was public, was the largest ever known in that state. Armand, Charles Trefin, soldier, was born in France. In 1783 he was appointed brigadier-general in the continental army. He died Jan. 30, 1793, in France. Armbruster, Sara Dary, journalist, philanthropist, was born Sept. 29, 1862, in Phila-